Saturday, December 20, 2008

I'm so friggin lucky...

I made it into UIC... The University of Illinois at Chicago...

I'm Really lucky... Like seriously... This is going to be a great winter break. Started with a snow day... Found a body shop to the work that needs to get done on my trunk for $450... gonna be Christmas, and New Year... Getting that money right... So STOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I'm going to do a shout out.... HI SEAN!!!!!!! or Dennis, which ever one you prefer... I don't know lol.

Pic of the Post:

That's how I roll... lol, nah, this is an in the process pic of when I was putting in the new headlights for the second time. They have a leak in the seal, so they are off for the winter, I'm gonna fix them. I miss seeing green grass, and being able to walk outside and not worry about SHRINKAGE... so cold here.... but driving in the snow is fun.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh Mondays....

Today was going so good!!!!!!!

School was actaully nice today... Had no complaints until I got home.... I was supposed to have a haircut today, so I get home and I think I should get my car cleaned off so it's ready to go. MY CAR WAS A FRAGGIN ICE CUBE! Doors were locked and frozen, car was covered in frost and most of my windows were fogged over... I had to crawl in through my trunk... I start the car, and start cleaning it, let the heater run, and things start looking up. I wipe off most of the fog, and then it happened. I locked my keys in the car... I call a cop, he can't open it, now I'm stuck paying $50 on a fucking locksmith... and my mom's mad at me for this shit....


This fucking sucks... I'm not even putting a pic in this post...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I don't know, today was better than yesterday... Got new paintings started, gonna be cool.

I'm starting work on Saturday at 10 in the morning.

Pic of the post:

I had been looking back at some old photos today... Then I found some from a Norway trip back in '06. We went to Norway, Germany and Denmark. The two pics from up there are in Norway, out in the fjords. That place was wild... LURVed it... I know, what you must be thinking? What the hell is a filipino kid doing in Norway? I've got family there. (I know, wierd huh?) Well, that's enough reminiscing.

I looked at the scratches today... They aren't as bad as I thought, since I only saw them in the dark and I was freaking out, but it's still gonna cost a pretty penny. I'm still bummed, just because it happened, not only that, just that it happened to my car... Eh, shit happens.


So pissed... Last night I backed into my aunt's CR-V... I have chips and dents in my trunk and bumper... I don't even want to talk about the rest of the day, it sucked. That's my entire first paycheck and then some... I haven't even started work yet.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Oh damn... CH'YEAH!

Pics of the post:

Now, that first pic up there, that place is the ish. iLL Garage is the first shop I've ever been to, other than autozone. Tommy and Armando, coolest doods you will ever meet.

And that second pic, that one hits home for me, that's my crew, we're a new bunch, but we're gonna make a name for outselves. I'm Co-Prez/Co-Creator of this thing. Now I know crew's a GEEKY word, but hey, I just didn't feel like saying "Project Redline Auto Sports" Just wanted to call it what it is, a crew, a group of buds that love cars.

I can't wait until spring for serious now, gonna get my car ready, gonna rep iLL Garage and Project Redline, and I'm gonna get some racing done... AutoX, Track days, possibly even get a few quarter miles in.

On to the day... The school day dragged on, but hey that's school, nothing really interesting to say about it though. LATE START TOMORROW! STOKED OUT OF MY MIND! I liked today, it was kinda slow, but I got to seriously drive today for the first time in two weeks now that I got that spare off and I got new tires. (I hit a curb and put a nipple in the sidewall of my old tire... LAME SAUCE!) And I got to go to martial arts. For those of you reading, I know you're asking "What do you do Mico?" I do Koryo Gumdo, It's a Korean sword art, think the Korean equivalent to Japanese Kendo. I'm Red/Black belt, that's one belt away from black belt, I've been this belt for about three years now, but I took a two year break, so I have an excuse. On the way back home I got to race a Mini Cooper S, raped him off the line, then he passed me after bit, over all good run, cool guy too, gave me a thumbs up. And on the highway, I got to cruise at 110 mph with a BMW convertible for a good mile and a half. Fun stuff.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

First one up

What's the ups people? My name is Mico, I'm just a dude from Hoffman Estates. I enjoy my car, my art, my dreams, well I guess I just enjoy my life.

I'm going to try ot to make this an automotive blog, though I know it will take most of the room on this thing...

You may be asking yourself. WHAT THE EF IS A GEEKY LURV?! It's just a phrase that stuck with me for a while now... I have a bit of a problem writing it on things, particularly on other people's property. Though, I have the same problem with writing one of my many aliases on things too.

Pic of this post:

This thing is my baby, I know I said I would try not to make this thing an automotive blog, but I'm weak willed against my car. 1999 Honda Civic Si... Just sound's like LURV doesn't it? Bone stock for now... the only thing done to it is I put a new shift knob on, a new set of headlights and I tinted the tail lights. I'm so stoked for spring...